Thursday, May 29, 2008

Having to say goodbye...

Oh, what I have to do tomorrow is going to hurt. I have to say goodbye to a very, faithful, loving and dependable woman. She has been apart of my family for a total of three years. We have become very good friends. We have one thing in our lives that we have been sharing. That is my son. As I'm working on a gift for her, it truly has been a very difficult task. Because I want to give her the world for taking care of my son. She has been wonderful, trustworthy, and a very dependable.
When I was seven month's pregnant I started trying to figure out who to watch my unborn child. We looked at childcare facility's. Meet with them, talk with them, and just look around at the places. We finally pick one out, we signed up at a place called Kid's Corner. It was owned by some friends of my father. They where nice and willing to take in baby boy. But then things turned around when I was eight month's pregnant. We had our last ultrasound done, we found that Carson had major health problem's. So the option of finding a daycare place that would take in a child with health problems was coming to a close.
So I just waited and prayed about this situation that we where in. It was not an option of me staying home, because like many we needed the money. My mom was working. My sister was in college. The only other option would be a babysitter. So like an answered prayer, Kissa Gardener came into our lives. I had went to school with her and was going to church with my sister. She was pregnant and wanted to stay home with her daughter and her newborn. She didn't mind watching another baby.
She started watching Carson February 1,2005. So with an exception of a few months off with her giving birth. And Carson's Surgery's, Vacation's, and Holiday's. She has been our Babysitter for the past 3 year's. The reason for us to leave, is Carson needs to start Preschool. He is three now so I want him to be the best he can be. So I want this extra push on him. So he will be ready for School. So how can you tell someone, who has been such a big part of yours and your child's lives goodbye. Tomorrow will not be easy, but they will be tears of Joy and Happiness. I wouldn't take back any of those years. Because I feel like we have made friend's for life.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Very Proud Mother...

I am a very proud mother right now. Last night at church, we had several solo's at church. I got to sing a couple. My husband got to sing some. What I am so proud of is that, the church ask my son get up in front of everyone and sing some songs. So he walk up on the stage, grab the microphone, and then he started singing Jesus Loves Me. He was just as plan as he could be. He look so big and tall. After he got done with the first song. They asked him to sing Zacharias. So he started singing again. I was so proud of him. I believe he will be a very good singer. David and myself started singing about Carson's age. So it comes very natural for him to sing. I hope he will continue singing for the church. So now I have a preschooler that likes to sing in front of the church. My baby is growing up way to fast!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Don't Cry Outloud....

Well, First of all I had a wonderful Mother's Day. And just like I hope I got a mother's ring. It has mine, Davids, the month we got married, and last but not least Carson's birth stone. It is very pretty and it's just what I've been hinting around for four years now. My husband did a wonderful job on picking it out. So we went and surprised granny at church Sunday. You ought to have seen her face when she saw us at her church. I wish I got my camera out to take a picture of her look. It was fun and different. I told my mom it really didn't matter what we did, just as long as I was with my mom and my son for mother's day. So that's what happened. So it was a good 4th Mother's Day.

It's been kind of gloomy for me right now. I knew I had to do it, so last night I sat down and filled out the ten page registration for preschool for Carson. The more I read it and filled out the information the more, I realized that it will never be the same again. My three year old son is fixing to go to school!!! And he will be in school till he is 18 years old!!! WOW!!! What a thought!! That's a long time for my son to be in school.

I'm doing good. I'm not crying yet!!! I'm not upset yet!! We are going Friday and turn in the paperwork and let Carson see the inside of the school. Don't know how he will react to see the inside. He knows the outside has mostly toys and a playground. You know Fun Stuff!!! I don't think it will get to me until June 2. So I'm keeping all the feelings inside and some on the blog. It's just a big change for him and I hope it will all work out in the end. A new Adventure is awaiting us.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Well, it's my 4th Mother's day weekend. We don't have alot going on. Just a big get together with my family at my granny's church. We have never celebrated Mother's Day at anywhere else than our church. So this year my mother got with her brother's and sister's, and we are going to surprise granny. We are going to meet in the Piggott General Baptist Church in Piggott Ar. parking lot at 10:00 and all go in together. I 'm just excited to see my granny's face when about ten-twenty of us show up. I will let you know how it went. But as for me, I've been hinting around for a mother's ring. Maybe I will get one this year. Can't wait!!! So anyway for those that read my blog, I wish you a Wonderful, Blessed, and Happy Mother's Day!!!!