Friday, November 21, 2008

Carson is turning 4...

Well, just letting you know, we will be celebrating Carson turning #4 this weekend. It's just hard to believe that four years ago, we welcomed this precious little boy into our lives. It has been a roller coaster ride thus far with him. But we are truly blessed to be his parents, and I thank God for every moment with him, I'm sure David would say the same. He truly makes up both part's of us. We want to always to what is right for him, I know that is every parent's wish. We know that God has taught us to be patient through him. We tried to have a little one for a solid year and not know that God would Bless us with a little one. We just had to be patient. So since day one we have been in agreement to raise him in the way that we where raised. And to be patient with him, God is looking over us and I hope very pleased. That is my prayer today, that we are doing right in God's eyes. Because we don't know what holds tomorrow, we just know that God is in control. So has I look past on the four years, I have to ask myself, are we doing what we promised God? Are we raising him up in the way that God would be satisfied? I pray that we are!

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