Monday, June 25, 2007

Lake Fun...

Well it's been crazy, we are trying to get things together for the lake. My entire Gregory side of the family are going to the lake. Crazy, we haven't done this in 10yrs. This will be a story to write about. The last time we where together was right after my grandmother died in 1997. She died in April, then we went to the lake in August. We haven't done this with everyone until now. My grandmother and grandpa always took us the lake every summer. I am the oldest of 8 girl cousins, and this was our vacation. Go to the lake. I was only 6 month's old when I went to the lake the first time. Mom said that I cried and cried. She told me that she was about to get in the car and go back home. But my grandpa grab me and took me walking around camp until I feel asleep on his shoulder. There are so many memories stored up at the lake. We didn't have a place we choose to camp by tent or camper. It was all fun and exciting. We didn't know what would happen at the lake or who we would run into. Being girls we would walk around the camp for hours at a time. Just talking about guys or just catching up. We all live in different states so it's hard to stay in contact with each other. Anyway my grandmother was the greatest at wanting us all to have fun. That was her goal. To let her family have fun at the lake. She bought anything and everything. Boats, skies, tubes, campers, tents, food, and we had plenty of it. It didn't matter the cost or when we new we all would come to the lake. I went every year until 97. Then we didn't go very much. We are now 28-18 yrs old. Alot has changed some of us are married and have kids of our own. We don't have grandma or grandpa to be the center of everything. It's all on our own, and there is a void there that all of feel. 10yrs later we compare how it was all those years that we had fun at the lake. There hasn't been a time this weekend or this weekend that grandma and grandpa's memories are not reflected on. We will try to make this week the most fun we can. We just miss what we used to do with grandpa and grandma. So I want to say Thank You God for giving us grandparents that gave us a wonderful time in our lives at the lake. We miss them very much. And we know they are in your hands.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Just a observation, when you live with 3 guy's your house never stays clean. I live with my husband, son, and a cousin. My son is only 2 so I don't blame him for anything. He doesn't understand, yet to pick up toys after he plays with him. I'm working on it. But my husband and his cousin could careless if the house was clean or not. I am so tired of picking up after them. I AM NOT THERE MOTHER. If i was they would be severely punished. It's both of them. I've about had my can full. If they would attempt to help clean the house, I wouldn't be on strike. This will not last because I hate living in dirt and grim!!! I am giving a week to see if they will help or not. I don't see it happen, but I'm going to try.

Monday, June 18, 2007


I hope and pray that I have been a good friend to everyone. I try to make time to listen to life problems, life events, and life stories. I offer advice and sometimes they take it other's don't. That's fine, I just want to be there for them. But what do you do when your friends, are not there for you. Sometimes when you need them most they just don't want to be there for you. And it hurts, it's painful. I choose to go inside my closed off shell. There I find a friend that will never hurt me or never ignore me. IT'S GOD!! I have been going to him alot here lately. I have some problems that I'm having to deal with on my own. But with his help I don't feel alone. I know I'm not the only one, that feels this way. But sometimes it feels like I'm alone. I will be there for my friends because that's the kind of person I want to be. But I know I will always have a best friend around no matter what.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Put a smile on my face!!

Hey, this is my first ever blog. I had a friend that told me I should get started. Anyway you may see things that are wrong like spelling or punctuation. I was not very good at that in school. So anyway there are some things going on in my life that I'm having to deal with. Like most people there is family problems, friend problems and now I have church problems. I've got so many questions and not very many answers. I just don't know which way to turn. I want to turn away and hide. I just don't want to deal with any of it. So anyway that is what I will be blogging about. My missed up life. I'm a person who wants to please EVERYONE!!! I feel like it's my responsibility that everyone is in a good mood. When deep down inside I'm hurt and scared. Put a smile on my face has always been my motto. So what's the matter with me?