Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Forgiving and Forgetting...

OK, it's been a few weeks since I blogged. Since then, I've been really busy, getting together a ladies night at our church. We had it Friday night it was so worth getting it together. It was a very moving night, both spiritually and emotional. We only had about ten that showed up, but the ladies opened up and we had a very good discussion. The theme was Growing in God's Fragrance. We discussed about forgiving and forgetting those that have hurt your. And just being a rose that will stand above all others for Christ. Myself it is so hard to forgive someone, when they have hurt you very badly. I have gone threw it, both family and friends. Some have hurt me sometime or another. I really try not to dwell on it, because they really don't mean to. It's just the devil tries to tear each other apart. And God have me a sensitive heart. I've always been that way for some reason. I just want to be a pleasing person. But for some reason it always back fires at me. I try to forgive and forget how people talk to me or how they grip at me. But God doesn't erase the memory, so it's just that much harder to forget the people that have hurt you. But God forgives us daily for our mistakes, so we must try to forgive and forget the people that have hurt us. Let us be a shining light for him, become a beautiful rose that will rise up from the ground from a thorny bush. And become the most fragrant and beautiful red rose for Christ.

1 comment:

Robert Piercy said...

Bitterness towards another is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Wonderful post.