Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Finding each other...

Well we went back to Branson this past weekend. We had fun it was me and my husband. We stayed three nights and four day's. It was nice to get away, just with my husband. I think we have been together for so long we forgot, how to be husband and wife. We are going on nine years of marriage and we have kinda got off track. So that was the focus this weekend to find each other again. I found him, and I hope he found me. We talked about things and we both still agree on is what our marriage is all about. The love we have for each other and the love of God all connected. With out the love of God in a marriage, the love for each other will eventually die. I believe with all my heart, that is how me and my husband have made it for long. We have both been raised in a good Christian Homes. We have parents that love each other and love God. So It has been good that we have good influences in our lives. We have seen our parents go up and down in their relationships. But there main focus has been the Lord! I'm not perfect and neither is my husband. We know what the commitment was nine years ago, we both took our marriage very serious. We have had our share of trails and temptations. But we always come back and find each other. I believe I married my best friend, my partner, and my soul mate. May God continue to Bless us as a family and as a strong marriage. Amy Loves David......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that you and David had a good vacation just the two of you.