Friday, January 18, 2008

Baby it's Cold Outside...

Where is the Snow? The forecast got our hopes up when they told us there was a chance of snow. I love snow!!! Snow cream, Snow Angels, Sledding, taking the wet white snow in your hand and having a snow ball fight. Me and my sister used to have big ones. We didn't have any other neighbor's around so we would gang up on our parents. It was alot of fun. I would rather have snow instead of the Cold Temperature we are fixing to get though. They call it the Artic Blast. With that said, it's prob going to very very cold. So silly us, we are going Scrapbook shopping tomorrow in the cold temperature. Don't really know what we where thinking when we planned this trip. But I'm excited. I will not have my three year old. I know we all love our children, but you know what, most toddlers don't like going shopping. Especially Scrapbook shopping. So this is a get away with my mom and sister. So we are going to stay warm and have a good time. Because Baby it's cold outside!!!!

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