Monday, January 14, 2008

A new Chapter in our lives...

I'm still here!! Since I last blog, we've had some major things happen. My mom had to have surgery on her wrist. She is doing fine. I've had to take care of her, the house and etc... Then I was cleaning up and putting Christmas away, and my back went out. I was down for a couple of days. Then my mother-in-law was put into the hospital for a kidney infection. And then my Dad had some test run on him and they found a usrel. So it has just been a little too crazy.

We have started a new chapter in our lives. We have started to potty train my three year old. We have started the pull-up method. Since he has had problems with his kidney's, we have decided to ease into the training process. He has done fair with it. He did better with me over the weekend, than my babysitter. It will just take time and I understand that. He has had been through so much with his kidney and bladder that it's to be expected. This was very funny this weekend while we where shopping he would go to the bathroom and He was very amazed at the automatic flushing system. There where times he told us he had to go and all he wanted to do was to flush. And then my husband took him to the bathroom Sat. night and he told his daddy that he was going into the wrong door. A little humor to carry us through this stress full step of his life. I know he will get the hang of it. We are just taking our time.

We also got my three year old enrolled in pre-school for this summer. He will start June 2. My babysitter is quiting and I have to find somewhere to place him. I myself personally am not ready to see my baby start school. Deep down I knew this would eventually come, I just didn't expect it to come so soon. I know it has to be done, but it's just mixed emotions right now. We meet with the pre-school Friday, the manager walked with us and showed us every room within the school. Then she sat down and talked with us and answered any questions for about 30 min. I really felt she was sincere about having Carson join in with them. So we signed up for the summer session. With me signing him up so early, he won't be on a long waiting list. So that's why we did it so early. I want him to go, and make friends, learn, and just experience life at the fullest. I feel like I've keep him inside this little shell for his protection. And know that he is getting older, he needs to experience life. So keep us in your prayers, as we take on this new adventure in life, as we celebrate the next chapter of life!!!!

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