Thursday, April 17, 2008

Growing up....

Ok...I just got done registering my three old in pre-school today. I just can't believe how fast he is growing up. It just seems like yesterday that I brought him home from the hospital. Now he is actually fixing to go to pre-school. I have people tell me, he is to young to go. Then I turn around and they say that it will be good for him. It's just a mixed emotion. I want the best for him and if going to school early is that, than I'm all for it. I struggled in school and I don't want him to. So I picked up the packet today and gave them the information they needed. So he is set, just got to fill out the packet and return and so June 2, 2008 my son Carson Allen Roush will be starting pre-school. Oh my, he is really Growing Up!!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hey girl just got on the it. Carson is growing up into a handsome young man...thanks for sharing your blog with me.