Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Vacation 08 Count Down...

Well, we only have five day's till we leave for our vacation. It's kinda of weird, we started planing our vacation back in January. Only to discuss because we found out that Carson's Preschool would be closed the first week in July. So we had to make a discussion on what we where going to do. The thought rolled around about getting a cabin at the lake again this year. Why not!! At the time money wasn't really there and my mom was going in on with us to pay for it. We would truly would like to go somewhere else for our vacation, but for now this is what we are doing. So now the time is approaching us with four day's left to get things together it's been kinda of crazy. We have decided to go on up to Branson one day next week. I'm excited about that. I love Branson!!! Anyway that's what we've been doing. It's just kinda of nice to get away for a week or so. My main goal is to scrapbook, swim, relax, and spend time with my husband and son. So look out vacation here we come!!!

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