Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Not wanting to let go...

OK, for those that have told me that it's not that hard to let their children grow up, are very wrong. My little boy, is fixing to turn three, and I don't want him to turn another year older. It hadn't been that long ago that he was a little tiny baby boy. That I had waited very patiently for all my life. I know all mother's ask this question "Where did the time go". I honestly don't know where the time has went, because one min. he was a baby and now he his a toddler. I just wish I could freeze time and have a few more years of my little baby. My son and my husband are the loves of my life. I prayed to God for both of them. God has made me learn about patience. I wanted to have a boyfriend in school, but all the guys wanted to just be friends. So when I got out of high school I meet my husband in collage. Two years later we where married. We wanted children, that was a big reason why we married. We loved children. He has several brothers and sisters. I just have one sister. But we knew we wanted to share our life with our children. So again when we wanted to have children, God wasn't ready for us to have any. So we patiently waited. It took me a solid year to get pregnant. I had a good pregnancy, I was healthy. Then I had him and he had several medical problems. So do you see why it's hard for me to not let go of my little tiny baby. Not wanting to let go is my fear right now, I will , It's just going to be very hard for me. Because I really don't know if there will be anymore children in our life, I just don't know what God has in store for my life. I just want to hang on to what we got right now. It just hurts!!!

1 comment:

Misty Ross said...

Amy, I know what you are feeling. Believe me, I feel the same way for my Evan and sometimes I spend nights crying, wondering if the Lord would have us have more children because I just don't know. My boys are 9 and 4 and it is so HARD to think of their childhood becoming pre-teenhood, and adulthood. If my Dakota follows after daddy's example, he will be MARRIED in 8 years.... That really made me think. I have to pray a lot, as I know you will be doing... I just beg the Lord to let them love Him their whole lives and be saved because although I get caught up in everything else, in reality, the ONLY thing that is important from my life is that my children receive Jesus as their Saviour. Just this morning, Dakota and I were having a moment of "attitute" - mine was as bad as his - and I thought, "how can this be at just 9 years old? What will 15 be like?" And I realize that I have to change and be better to him for his sake and to be an example.

There will be new joys associated with Carson getting older... I promise you that. Just enjoy and take all the pictures humanly possible for now!